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Questions to Answer When Managing a Project


Managing a project is like juggling many balls at once. It needs careful planning, clear communication, and the ability to adapt to changes. Asking the right questions at the right time helps keep everything on track.

According to Harvard Business Review, every project manager should ask these six questions to ensure project success.

Let’s explore the important questions every project manager should answer to ensure a project’s success.

Questions to Answer When You Manage a Project

Starting the Project

What Are the Project Goals?

Every project needs clear goals. These are the things you want to achieve by the end of the project. Goals keep everyone focused and make sure all efforts are directed toward the same result. Good goals should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

What Are We Delivering?
Deliverables are the tangible or intangible outcomes of the project. Defining these clearly helps set expectations and measure progress. Each deliverable should be tied to project goals and should be detailed enough to avoid misunderstandings.

For example, if the deliverable is a software application, specify its features, functionalities, and performance requirements.

Who Cares About This Project?

Stakeholders are individuals or groups with an interest in the project’s outcome. Identifying them early ensures their needs and concerns are considered throughout the project.

Stakeholders can include clients, team members, investors, and end-users. Understanding their expectations and influence helps in managing their engagement and securing their support.

Scope and Requirements

What Is Included in the Project?

The project scope defines what is included and what is not. It sets the boundaries and helps prevent scope creep, which is when extra tasks or features are added without proper approval.

A clear scope statement includes project objectives, deliverables, milestones, technical requirements, and limits. This document should be revisited regularly to ensure it remains aligned with project goals.

What Do We Need to Do?

Requirements are the specific needs or conditions that must be met for the project to be successful. They can include technical specs, business needs, and user expectations.

Gathering and documenting requirements is a critical process that often involves interviews, surveys, and workshops with stakeholders. Clear requirements prevent misunderstandings and ensure that the final deliverables meet stakeholder expectations.

What Are the Limits?

Constraints are the limits within which the project must operate. These can relate to time, budget, resources, or technology.

Identifying constraints early helps in realistic planning and risk management. Constraints should be documented in the project charter or scope statement and communicated to all stakeholders.


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Resources and Budget

What Do We Need?

Resources include everything needed to complete the project, such as people, equipment, materials, and facilities. Identifying these helps in planning and allocation. Effective resource planning ensures that the project has the necessary inputs at the right time.

How Much Money Do We Have?

The budget is the total amount of money allocated for the project. Keeping track of the budget helps ensure the project stays financially on track. Budgeting involves estimating costs, creating a cost baseline, and managing project finances. Regular financial reviews and updates help in identifying potential overruns and taking corrective action.

How Will We Use Our Resources?

Resource allocation involves assigning available resources to specific tasks or activities. Effective allocation ensures resources are used efficiently and the project stays on track. Tools like Gantt charts and resource histograms can help visualize and manage resource allocation.

Timeline and Milestones

When Will Things Happen?

The project timeline is a detailed schedule that outlines when tasks and activities will be completed. It helps in tracking progress and ensuring the project stays on schedule.

Creating a timeline involves defining tasks, sequencing activities, estimating durations, and developing a schedule. Regular updates and adjustments to the timeline help accommodate changes and keep the project on track.

What are the Big Steps?

Milestones are significant points or events in the project timeline. They serve as checkpoints to assess progress and make any necessary adjustments. Milestones are often tied to key deliverables or phases of the project.

They provide a way to measure progress and celebrate achievements, which can boost team morale.

How Will We Check Our Progress?

Tracking progress involves monitoring and measuring the project’s performance against the plan. This can be done through regular status reports, meetings, and reviews.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics help quantify progress and identify areas needing attention. Effective progress tracking enables timely corrective actions and keeps stakeholders informed.

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Risk Management

Who is on the Team?

The project team consists of individuals with the skills and expertise needed to complete the project. Identifying team members helps in planning roles and responsibilities.

A well-structured team with clear roles fosters collaboration and accountability. Team composition should be based on the project’s requirements and the strengths of individual members.

What Are Their Jobs?

Clearly defining roles and responsibilities ensures everyone knows what is expected of them. This helps in avoiding confusion and ensuring accountability. Role definitions should include tasks, authority, and reporting relationships.

A RACI matrix (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) can help clarify roles and responsibilities.

How Will We Communicate?

Effective communication is crucial for project success. Establishing clear communication channels and protocols helps keep everyone informed and engaged.

A communication plan should detail how information will be shared, who will communicate, and the frequency of communication. Regular team meetings, status updates, and collaborative tools can facilitate effective communication.

Communication Plan

How Will We Share Information?

Information sharing involves distributing relevant information to the right people at the right time. This can include project updates, meeting minutes, and progress reports. Ensuring timely and accurate information flow helps in decision-making and project alignment.

What Tools Will We Use to Communicate?

Communication channels are the methods used to share information, such as email, meetings, or project management software. Choosing the right channels ensures effective communication. Tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Asana can facilitate collaboration and information sharing.

How Often Will We Update?

Regular updates help keep everyone informed about the project’s status. This can include daily stand-ups, weekly status reports, or monthly reviews. Consistent updates help in identifying issues early and keeping the project on track.

Quality Management

What Are the Quality Standards?

Quality standards are the criteria that the project’s deliverables must meet. Defining these standards ensures the project meets expectations. Quality standards should be based on stakeholder requirements and best practices.

How Will We Ensure Quality?

Quality assurance involves implementing processes and procedures to ensure the project’s deliverables meet the defined standards. Regular audits, peer reviews, and testing can help ensure quality.

What Is the Review Process?

The review process involves evaluating the project’s deliverables to ensure they meet the quality standards. Regular reviews and feedback sessions help identify issues and areas for improvement.

Stakeholder Engagement

How Will We Involve Stakeholders?

Engaging stakeholders involves involving them in the project’s decision-making process. This helps ensure their needs and concerns are addressed. Effective engagement builds trust and support, which is crucial for project success.

What Do Stakeholders Expect?

Understanding stakeholder expectations helps align the project’s goals with their needs. Regular communication and feedback sessions can help manage expectations.

How Will We Use Their Feedback?

Incorporating feedback involves making changes to the project based on stakeholder input. Regular feedback loops help in continuous improvement and stakeholder satisfaction.

Change Management

How Will We Manage Changes?

Change management involves controlling and managing changes to the project’s scope, schedule, and budget. A change control process includes submitting change requests, evaluating impacts, and obtaining approvals.

What Is the Approval Process for Changes?

The approval process involves obtaining the necessary approvals for changes to the project. Documenting the approval process ensures transparency and accountability.

How Will We Communicate Changes?

Communicating changes involves informing everyone affected by the changes. Regular updates and feedback sessions help in managing the impact of changes.

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Project Execution

How Will We Do the Work?

Project execution involves carrying out the project plan and completing the tasks and activities. Regular team meetings and progress reviews help in keeping the project on track.

What Tools Will We Use?

Tools can include software, equipment, and methods used to complete the project. Project management tools like Microsoft Project, Trello, and JIRA can help in planning, tracking, and collaboration.

How Will We Monitor Performance?

Performance monitoring involves tracking the project’s progress and performance. Key performance indicators (KPIs) help measure project success against goals. Regular performance reviews and updates help in identifying issues and taking corrective actions.


How Will We Identify Issues?

Identifying issues involves finding problems or obstacles that could affect the project. Regular reviews and feedback sessions help in early identification of issues.

What Is the Escalation Process?

The escalation process involves bringing issues to higher levels of authority for resolution. A clear escalation process includes defined steps, responsible parties, and timelines.

How Will We Solve Problems?

Problem resolution involves finding solutions to issues that arise during the project. Regular problem-solving sessions help in keeping the project on track.

Project Closure

What Are the Closure Criteria?

Closure criteria are the conditions that must be met for the project to be considered complete. Documenting closure criteria helps in ensuring a smooth transition from project execution to closure.

How Will We Measure Success?

Success measurement involves evaluating the project’s performance against the objectives. Post-project reviews and stakeholder feedback help in evaluating success.

What Lessons Did We Learn?

Learning from the project involves identifying what worked well and what could be improved. Conducting a lessons-learned session helps in capturing valuable insights. Documenting and sharing lessons learned helps in continuous improvement.

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What Is the First Step in Managing a Project?

The first step in managing a project is to define the project objectives and scope. A well-defined project charter or scope statement is essential for aligning stakeholder expectations and guiding project activities.

How Do You Handle Scope Creep?

Handling scope creep involves closely monitoring the project scope and implementing change control processes to manage changes. Regular scope reviews and clear documentation help in preventing and managing scope creep.

What Tools Are Essential for Project Management?

Essential tools for project management can include project management software, communication tools, and collaboration platforms. Tools like Microsoft Project, Asana, Slack, and Trello help in planning, tracking, and collaborating effectively.

How Do You Ensure Team Collaboration?

Leadership styles impact project management by shaping team dynamics, decision-making, and overall project direction.

What Are the Key Elements of a Successful Project?

The key elements of a successful project include clear objectives, effective planning, strong team collaboration, and continuous monitoring and evaluation. Effective risk management, stakeholder engagement, and quality assurance also contribute to project success.


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